We shape
We create for you spaces to be loved, to be lived, to be felt, to be sensed.
Modern Architecture Office - based in almada
Have you ever Designed along with an Architect?
Never miss & skip this experience

What do you mean by designing together?
We engage so much with our clients, you’ll feell like we’re seat around a table designing your project together.
Open-minded customers that value and respect an Architect work, always result in an active creative process participation. Therefore that healthy relationship will generate, good projects and a smooth design experience to both parts.

Transforming Spaces that Matter, Spaces that Inspires!
Where Architecture and Creativity speaks by Design
choose your project
New Construction
Offering tailored solutions that bring your vision to life. We sharp on creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces such projects.
House Expansion
From an existing architecture, often we focus on maximizing natural light, flow improvement, to enhance living space.
Home Renovation
Transforming homes to better meet the needs and tastes of homeowners, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality.
Space Branding
Aligning with a brand’s values and message, by integrating design elements to create a unique space identity, enhancing user experience.
understanding project phases
Is an initial design phase that involves research and analysis, to ensure project development. Exploring project program, volumes, light tests, surroundings, until the desired layout is reached.
preliminary study
Initial StageProject licensing, refers to the process whereby architects obtain the necessary drawings, documents and certifications along with the final layout design, to get Municipality approval.
Phase 2Comprehensive drawings and specifications that illustrate how different components of a building are constructed and interconnected. Works as contractors guide to minimize potential errors.
Project Detailing
Phase 3Supervision guarantees that what it was thought out in detail, is being carried out. Frequent visits to construction site, such as weekly reports assures good project delivery and execution.
Construction Supervision
Phase 4Blog | Journal
Hortas Urbanas em terrenos rústicos
E porque não, olharmos para estes espaços vazios, muitas vezes dentro das cidades como uma oportunidade para desenvolver hortas urbanas? Mas e se vos contar que países cujas cid
Vivencias de uma Varanda
Quem nunca revisitou o baú das memórias perdidas edeparou-se com o infinito universo de imagens soltas das brincadeiras, conversas mais intimistas, almoços apertados de família
O Bom, o Mau e o Vilão do DIY
Movimento e a febre dos reels, shorts e videos DIY. É uma maravilha esta explosão de ideias para melhorar a casa e se não fosse o Covid, talvez este crescimento não seria tão